Frequently asked questions about domain names, hosting and our other services.
- Domain Registration
- ▶How do I register a domain?
The hostinginchina Reseller Control Panel provides two ways to register domain names: standard and bulk registration. Standard registration is designed for registering one domain at a time and is a step by step process. bulk registration can support the registration of up to 10 domain names at a single time. All information for bulk registration is provided in a single page form.
To ensure the quickest response from our live registration system, make sure that you have enough of a prepaid balance in your account to cover your domain order. If you do not have enough money in the system, you will be directed to the payment page. - ▶I have money in my account. Why can't I register successfully?
There are several possible reasons:
1. The domain name syntax is improper.
2. The domain name has already been registered.
3. The connection with central Registry database is temporarily unavailable.
4. The Registry database is busy and can't handle additional requests.
The central database Registry exchanges information with NiceNIC.net every day at GMT 6:00-8:00 (US EST 1:00 - 3:00 AM) As a result, the central Registry and the network system are heavily loaded. The registration process is severely impacted during this time. Registration delays, failures, and other interruptions are common. If this happens to you, please wait until this two hour window has passed before trying to resume your registrations. - ▶How many domains can I register?
We have no limit on the number of domains you can register with Hostinginchina.
- ▶What do I need to register a domain?
Many ccTLDs have requirements to protect the integrity of their name spaces. Most however are free to use for anyone in the world. It is best to check the local requirements for specific domains during registration.
In some cases hostinginchina can act as an agent on your behalf to secure the domain for you. - ▶When does my domain expire?
As a general rule your domain will expire one year after you submitted your application. The expiry date for each domain is listed in your customer area. Some domains have a minimum term of 2 years. You can also check the expiry date on some domains by using the WHOIS tool.
- ▶How do I renew my domain name?
You can renew your domain via your control panel.
Once logged into your account select "Renew My Domains"
Tick the box for which domain/s you wish to renew then click Renew – Follow the payment screen to complete the renewal process. - ▶How do I know when to renew my domain?
Hostinginchina will send you reminder emails as the expiry date approaches. You can also view the expiry date via your control panel. You can renew your domain up to 60 days before the expiry date.
- ▶What happens if I don't renew before the expiry date?
In most cases the registry actually places the domain in a holding period for several weeks after the expiry date. It is possible to renew the domain during this period however addition fees may apply. After the holding period is over the domain is released back for public sales. Some registries release the domain immediately after the expiry date. It is best to renew your domains 30 days prior to expiry to account for any delays in the renewal process.
- ▶Can I transfer my domain to you?
Yes, absolutely. Most domains can be transferred quickly and easily via your control panel. Some domains do require an Auth Code, or Domain Password which you can obtain at your current registrar.
- ▶How do I register a domain?
- Web Hosting
- ▶How can I publish my website?
After purchasing a hosting package you will be able upload your website via FTP or the Hosting Administration Panel provided to you by your hosting provider.
- ▶What is the difference between a Domain and Hosting?
When you purchase a domain you are buying the rights to use the name. Hosting is what makes the domain usable. Until you get hosting you will be unable to have a website or use your email address. Unless you plan on hosting the website yourself most people purchase both a domain and hosting.
- ▶How do I create a MYSQL Database/User?
In order to use a MySQL database you first need to create a database and a user to access it.
- To create a MYSQL Database, log into your web hosting account:http://www.hostinginchina.com/hosting/hosting-login
Click Website Management >Select Database Manager
On the Database Manager choose a password > Click Create User
Click Database Tab > Create > Database
Choose a Database name > Click Build Query > Click Run Query
You should see your database has been successfully created. - ▶Do you allow adult content on your servers?
We do not allow adult content. This is described as pornographic material. We do allow certain types of artistic material. Please contact support if you have further questions.
- ▶How can I publish my website?
- Dedicated Server
- ▶What are the advantages of a dedicated server?
Compared to shared hosting (that is, a website located on a server shared between lots of other websites) the main advantage is that you get complete access to all the resources of the hardware. No other website can cause your server to run slowly or run out of memory because you get exclusive access to the physical machine. You also get complete control of all the software installed, including the Operating System. In addition, dedicated servers are usually much more secure than shared hosting because there are no other customers on the same physical hardware.
- ▶Which Operating System should I choose to install on my server?
This depends on your requirements. If you use PHP, Perl or mySQL with your website, then a Linux distribution would be the most suitable. If you use ASP and/or MS SQL, then Windows is the obvious choice. These constraints aside, Linux has the advantage that (except for Red Hat Enterprise) it is free, where as Windows comes with a monthly license fee. If you decide that you'd prefer to have a GUI to administer your sites with, then a Linux server with Plesk is still the cheaper (and more popular) option.
- ▶What happens if my server breaks in the night? Do you offer 24 hour support?
There are engineers at our data-centre 24 hours a day 7 days a week to deal with any system outages. However, currently we do not offer out-of-hours telephone support except on our managed hosting products. If this service would be important to you please let us know.
- ▶What is a dedicated server?
A dedicated server is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including choice of operating system, hardware, etc. Server administration can be done by client or be provided by the hosting company as an add-on service. Dedicated servers are most often housed in data centers providing redundant power sources and HVAC systems. The server hardware is owned by the hosting provider and they will provide support for server hardware replacement at no cost to clients. Using a dedicated server offers the benefits of high performance, security, application stability, and control. Dedicated server hosting is an ideal solution for websites with high traffic volumes, sensitive customer content or those in need of secure e-commerce applications.
- ▶Can I create mail accounts on my server? What software is included for mail?
All of our servers use Exim to send and receive mail. You can create as many e-mail accounts as you like and set up auto-responders, forwarding, aliasing, and any other mail services you require using your control panel.
- ▶Will I be able to manage my server through a Web-based control panel?
Every Hostinginchina Managed Dedicated Server now comes with a powerful control panel (Web Host Manager - WHM). It gives you complete control over creating and customizing your account(s) and allocating resources. On an individual account level, you will use WHM to manage e-mail, domains, and other aspects of your Web site(s).
- ▶What are the advantages of a dedicated server?
- VPS Hosting
- ▶What are the benefits of using VPS Hosting?
You can take advantage of the numerous benefits of VPS:
1. Increased Security
2. Improved reliability
3. Ease of use
4. Lower total cost of ownership
The one benefit, however, that really stands out for Virtual Private Servers is 'flexibility'. Given that VPS's have their own operating environments, you can install you own operating system / version, you can add and remove software applications at will and you can modify you environment for optimum performance. A VPS allows you to customize your users' experience which, in turn, can be used as a competitive advantage. - ▶Who should use VPS Hosting?
As business, web traffic, increases, overall performance and throughput can be compromised. Any business owner who anticipates growth should consider a VPS. Any business owner who needs specific / custom applications installed on their server, but is not able or willing to fund the purchase and maintenance of a dedicated should consider a VPS.
- ▶What is the difference between a VPS and a Dedicated Server?
A Virtual Private Server is a partition on a physical server. The physical server can be divided into numerous virtual partitions which, in turn, will distribute the cost and overhead between the virtual servers. Because the cost of the physical server is essentially shared between the VPS's, the servers that are typically used in a VPS environment have greater performance capabilities and greater capacity than dedicated servers. For most small business owners the cost of a comparable, dedicated, server is cost-prohibitive.
- ▶Do I get a dedicated IP address with my VPS account?
Yes. With your own dedicated IP address you can run your own web, e-mail and FTP servers. You can also improve their SEO performance by having a dedicated IP address.
- ▶Is VPS easy to use?
With the use of remote desktop access, you can easily manage your VPS. You can add and delete software / data to and from your VPS and you can optimize performance, scalability and throughput.
- ▶Should I choose Linux or Windows VPS?
This depend on what exactly you are trying to do with the VPS. For instance:
1. If you simply want to use it for email purposes - either of the two platfroms will do. Both VPS platforms supports email services (POP3, IMAP, SMTP) and webmail.
2. If you will be using it for website hosting:
Choose "Linux" if you will need Apache web server, PHP and MySQL databases. Although PHP and MySQL also works on Windows but its performance is better on Linux environment. Also, if you will be using CMS such as Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal, it's ideal to use Linux.
3. If you will be using Microsoft technologies such as ASP and ASP.NET, you should select "Windows" VPS.
If you are still not sure and your requirement does not fall on the details above, kindly contact our Sales team for assistance.
- ▶Do you offer an uptime guarantee?
Yes, we offer a 99.9% uptime SLA guarantee on the Network and VPS hardware node the contains your VPS. As long as you can reach the network, the server, and SolusmVM management software we have done our part. What goes inside your VPs is up to you.
- ▶What are the benefits of using VPS Hosting?
- Sites Design
- ▶Why should I hire a web site designer?
To save time. Hiring a web site designer will help you save precious time so that you can concentrate on your business, your vocation, or your organization. Even the best web site software takes time to learn. Many are expensive. Some limit creativity and are not compatible with each other.
A web designer can implement proven skills to create your web site quickly and efficiently.
- ▶I have a web site, but I'd like it to look more professional. Can you help?
Yes. A web designer specialist will examine your current site, discuss your goals, and work with you to plan the redesign of your site.
- ▶What is the difference between web design and web maintenance?
Web design is the actual creation of the initial web site. Web maintenance is the updating and changing of content on that site. The web design contract is separate from the web maintenance or webmaster agreement. As stated on R & R Web Design's pricing page, minimal changes to a website will not be assessed. For example, if your e-mail address changes and you want it corrected on the web page, you will not be charged. Simply e-mail your request. However, if you expect your site to change frequently, a web maintenance agreement is highly recommended.
- ▶How long does it take to design a website for my business?
It varies from website to website based on the requirement. In the initial consultation, we will provide you the timeline estimates for your project.
If you have the content for your site written before the design process begins, it will help in completing the project quickly. Content should be in electronic format. Not having your copy completed before the design process can significantly delay the completion of your website.
- ▶Once the website is complete, can I update it myself?
Yes, you own the website and you can make changes at any time if you wish. You need to have a licensed copy of a Web design software and know how to transfer files to and from your live website (which are included in our website hosting setup documentation that is sent to you at the time of hosting).As we designed you website, it would be easy for us to do changes and you may want to sign-up for one of the website maintenance contracts as appropriate to you. Maintenance contract is a separate service and is NOT required to get web design service from us.
We also offer some good online tools (add ons) to help you with content and picture changes on your website. You might ask for more details if you're planning to update your website yourself. If you're getting a eCommerce or database solution from us, those tools give you a back-end where you can define and update content on your website fairly easy.
- ▶Why should I hire a web site designer?
- Accounts & Sales
- ▶How can I recover my password?
If you have forgotten your password you can request a new one by visiting the "I forgot my password" link on the login page. http://www.hostinginchina.com/clients/pwreset.php
- ▶I have forgotten my username, How can I get it back?
Send us a support ticket with any domains you have registered & we will look it up for you, We may ask for you to provide additional information for verification.
- ▶I have a question that isn't answered here? Can you help me?
I have a question that isn't answered here? Can you help me? You are welcome to Submit a Ticket online OR e-mail us sale@hostinginchina.com. We'll get back to you within 15 hours.
- ▶Are there any hidden charges?
No. We will not charge you for anything without your prior consent.
- ▶What type of payments do you accept?
We accept Paypal, Western union. We will be adding VISA, Master card.
- ▶How can I recover my password?
- ICP License Application
- ▶Application Note
As per the existing laws and regulations of the ministry of industry and information technology of the People's Republic of China, all websites hosted on a server in mainland China must first obtain an ICP license. We have prepared this short guide to assist Hostinginchina clients to understand better about the required documents and the application procedure.
- ▶Required Documents
1) Copy of original of the business license in China, with the company seal on it
2) Domain name certificate
3) ID card copy of contact person (must be Chinese national)
4) Photo ID of contact person (must be Chinese national)
5) Signed ICP application forms: Information to provide on the forms include:
-Your official company name
-Your company registered address
-Name of the company investor(s)
-Type of company
-Contact person ID card number, mobile number, office line number, email account
-Website information (domaine name, homepage, name of the website, type of website, type of content)
All forms are provided in Chinese and should be filled in Chinese only. - ▶Application Procedure
1) Purchase the relevant China hosting plan through our website.
2) Download the basic information form and send back to us by email (admin@hostinginchina.com)
3) After receiving our confirmation, download the ICP application form and fill it as per listed requirements.
3) Prepare the required documents as per above
4) Send us all documents by email to admin@hostinginchina.com.
5) Your application will be forwarded to the relevant department within 48h of receipt. - ▶Important Notes
1) We are unable to apply for licenses under individuals
2) Foreign passport holders cannot be contact person for the website
3) The application takes from 3 to 6 weeks on average depending of type of website and province of registration of the company
4) After application is successfully submited please do not contact us for updates. Once approved (or denied) your provided contact person will be informed directly by the ICP bureau. Hostinginchina does not have any mean to track on the status of an application.
5) Foreign companies (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) cannot apply for an ICP license
6) The ICP license cannot be applied for a website not hosted within mainland China
7) For new .cn domain names an ICP license is required prior to activation by the registrar
8) We can help to apply for the ICP license only for websites hosted on Hostinginchina's servers
9) Our service fee for assisting in the ICP license application is $50 (one-time).
- ▶Application Note